Sequence Alignment and Location Tracking
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Application of Sequence Alignment Algorithms in­­ Location Tracking Data to Determine Patient State in a Clinical Process



Mark Meyer, MD MPH

Laboratory of Computer Science

Massachusetts General Hospital


Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology

HST951 Final Project





Location tracking systems are becoming more widespread in healthcare, but novel applications using the wealth of data produced are still sparse.  Utilizing a sequence alignment algorithm, we have demonstrated their application in healthcare with location tracking data to determine the type of patient based on predefined templates and the current stage of a patient in a clinical process.  Future work will further refine the sequence alignment algorithm for use with location tracking data and clinical systems.


While retail industries and defense establishment, represented by Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense,1,2 have embraced RFID and location tracking systems, their application in the healthcare setting is still in its infancy.  However, such systems hold great promise to streamline patient care, manage assets and provide a safer hospital environment.Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham & Women’s Hospital have installed the Radianse location tracking system, a system consisting of a network of receivers and tags that utilize both active RFID and IR to determine location.  The use of real-time location data has already been demonstrated at Massachusetts General Hospital to aid in correcting “wrong patient-wrong locationâ€