Part 1: Being | ||
Week 1: Introduction | ||
1 | What does it mean to study “the idea” of Africa? | No readings or films assigned |
2 | Making knowledge, ordering the world (I) |
Readings Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe. “Africa, Idea of.” In New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. 2015.
Weeks 2 and 3: Geography | ||
3 | Making knowledge, ordering the world (II) |
Readings Wainana, Binyavanga. “How to Write About Africa.” Granta 92, 2005.
4 | Maps, power, and knowledge |
Harley, J. Brian. |
5 | Mapping Africa |
Lydon, Ghislaine. Bassett, Thomas J.
Weeks 4 and 5: History | ||
6 | Historicizing Africa |
Readings Brizuela-Garcia, Esperanza.
7 | Restoring African histories: Afrocentrism |
Readings Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich.
8 | Guest presentation and workshop by professional Vodou dance practitioner and Vodou priest, Jean-Sébastien Duvilaire | No readings or films assigned |
9 | Remembering |
Film A Memory in Three Acts. Directed by Inadelso Cossa. Color, 64 min. 2016. |
Weeks 6 and 7: Race | ||
10 | Blackness and Otherness |
11 | Blackness in Africa |
For those of you who read French (and want more on Négritude): Senghor, Léopold Sédar. “Qu'est-ce que la Négritude?” Études françaises 3 (1967): 3–20. Optional de Sá, Celina. “Becoming Diasporically African: The Cultural Politics Of West African Capoeira.” Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations. Scholarly Commons. Penn Libraries, University of Pennsylvania. 2018. |
12 |
The Black African body (I)
Film Maids and Madams. Directed by Mira Hamermesh. Color, 54 min. 1986. |
13 | The Black African body (II) |
Pierre, Jemima. “'I Like Your Colour!' Skin Bleaching and Geographies of Race in Urban Ghana.” Feminist Review 90 (2013): 9–29. |
Part 2: Becoming | ||
Week 8: Africa and / in the world after independence | ||
14 | Africa and / in the world after independence (I) |
Audio Kwame Nkrumah - Address at Conference of African Freedom Fighters - Accra. YouTube. |
15 | Africa and / in the world after independence (II) |
Film Lumumba: La mort du prophète. Directed by Raoul Peck. Color, 69 min. 1990. |
Week 9: Modernization theory and Africa | ||
16 | Modernization theory and Africa |
Readings Matunhu, J.
Film “TOUKI BOUKI, A VIAGEM DA HIENA (Touki-bouki, Djibril Diop Mambéty 1973) LEGENDADO.” YouTube. |
Week 10: Development and Structural Adjustment Programs | ||
17 | Development and structural adjustment programs |
Readings The World Bank. “Introduction.” Chapter 1 in Accelerated Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Agenda for Action, pp. 2–5. 1981. ———. “Basic Constraints.” Chapter 2 in Accelerated Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Agenda for Action, pp. 9–12. 1981. Geo-Jaja, Macleans A., and Garth Magnum. “Structural Adjustment as an Inadvertent Enemy of Human Development in Africa.” Journal of Black Studies 32, no. 1 (2001): 30–49. Film |
Week 11: African Renaissance / Africa Rising | ||
18 | The New Africa |
Nothias, Toussaint. “‘Rising’,‘Hopeful’,‘New’: Visualizing Africa in the Age of Globalization.” Visual Communication 13, no. 3 (2014): 323–39. |
19 | Africa as the future |
Readings McKenna, John. “6 Numbers that Prove the Future is African.” World Economic Forum. May 2, 2017. UNESCO. African Futures: Towards a Sustainable Emergence? United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2015, pp. 5–37. ISBN 9789231001734. |
Week 12: Rwanda: An African Miracle? | ||
20 | In-class research and discussion |
Readings Nkusi, Alphonse. “The Rwandan Miracle.” UNESCO Courier, 2019-2. Mugenzi, Rene.“The So-called ‘Rwandan Economic Miracle’ is a Mirage.” Pambazuka News, 2014. Twagiramungu, Noel, and Joseph Sebarenzi. “Rwanda’s Economic Growth Could Be Derailed by its Autocratic Regime.” The Conversation, April 8, 2019. “Reconstruction of Rwanda: ‘Miracle’ or Mirage?” iD4D. April 25, 2019. |
21 | In-class research and discussion | No readings or films assigned |
Week 13: New Africans? | ||
22 |
Telling stories of African pasts, presents, futures Guest visit by Mozambican filmmaker Inadelso Cossa |
Films A Memory in Three Acts. Directed by Inadelso Cossa. Color, 64 min. 2016. “An African City, Season 1.” YouTube. (*Watch a few episodes) “Pumzi.” YouTube. |
23 | Afropolitanism and its discontents |
Readings Selasi, Taiye. “Bye-Bye Babar.” The LIP, March 3, 2005. Balakrishnan, Sarah. Musila, Grace A. “Part-Time Africans, Europolitans, and ‘Africa Lite’.” Journal of African Cultural Studies 28, no.1 (2016): 109–13. |
Week 14: Final paper presentations | ||
24 | Final paper presentations | No readings or films assigned |
25 | Final paper presentations | No readings or films assigned |