One of the rare editions of the Gutenberg Bible, printed in the 1450s. It was the first major book printed using mass-produced moveable type. (Image courtesy of Amy Allcock on flickr. License CC BY.)
Prof. Anne McCants
Prof. Jeffrey S. Ravel
Ken Stone
(MIT Hobby Shop)
MIT Course Number
21H.343J / CC.120J
As Taught In
Spring 2016
Course Description
Course Features
Educator Features
Course Description
This course explores the impact of new technology on the recording and distribution of words and images at three different times: The invention of the printing press ca. 1450; the adaptation of electricity to communication technology in the 19th century (telegraph, telephone, phonograph); and the emergence of digital media today. Assignments include essays and online projects. Students also participate in the design and construction of a hand-set printing press.
This course is also part of the Concourse program at MIT.
Other Versions
Other OCW Versions
OCW has published multiple versions of this subject.