
Week 1: Narrator


General introduction; basic vocabulary; course structure

Week 2: Narrator cont.
2-3 Close Reading

A Love Letter assignment due Session 2

The Great Gatsby assignment due Session 3

Week 3: Character
4 Plot

Waitress Pie Recipe assignment due Session 4

Waitress (the musical at A.R.T.)

Draft of Essay 1 due five days after Session 4

Week 4: Character cont.
5-6 The Great Gatsby and Waitress  
Week 5: Autobiographical
7-8 Graphic Novels Final version of Essay 1 due Session 8
Week 6: Autobiographical cont.
9 Fun Home Fun Home assignment due Session 9
Week 7: The Archive
10-11 Historical

Beloved assignment due Session 10

Draft of Essay 2 due Session 11

Week 8: The Archive cont.
12-13 Beloved Library Research Workshop in Hayden Library
Week 9: The Archive cont.
14-15 Beloved cont. Final version of Essay 2 due Session 15
Week 10: New Historicism
16 Benito Cereno  
Week 11: New Historicisms cont.
17-18 "The Counterpane" & "The Monkey-Rope" Benito Cereno assignment due Session 17
Week 12: Feminist Analysis
19-20 Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories assignment due Session 19
Week 13: Cultural Analysis
21-22 Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories cont. & This Is How You Lose Her Draft of Essay 3 due Session 22
Week 14: Cultural Analysis cont.
23-24 This Is How You Lose Her cont. Final version of Essay 3 due Session 24