This section provides references to cover details not discussed in lecture. These are not required readings, but may be helpful in deepening your understanding of the subject.
Basic Homotopy Theory | ||
1 | Limits, Colimits, and Adjunctions | Mac Lane, Saunders. Categories for the Working Mathematician. 2nd ed. Springer, 2010. ISBN: 9780387984032. |
2 | Cartesian Closure and Compactly Generated Spaces | Hatcher, Allen. Algebraic Topology. Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN: 9780521795401. Munkres, James Raymond. Topology. Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN: 9780139254956. Neil Strickland's notes on Martin Frankland’s notes on |
3 | Basepoints and the Homotopy Category | Fritsch, Rudolf, and Renzo A. Piccinini. Cellular Structures in Topology. Cambridge University Press, 1990. ISBN: 9780521327848. |
4 | Fiber Bundles |
An animation of fibers in the Hopf fibration over various points on the two-sphere by Niles Johnson. "Hopf fibration -- fibers and base." YouTube. Dundas, Bjørn Ian. A Short Course in Differential Topology. Cambridge University Press, 2018. ISBN: 9781108425797. |
5 | Fibrations, Fundamental Groupoid | tom Dieck, Tammo. Algebraic Topology. Corrected 2nd Printing, 2010. European Mathematical Society Publishing House, 2008. ISBN: 9783037190487. |
6 | Cofibrations | <No suggested references> |
7 | Cofibration Sequences and Co-exactness | <No suggested references> |
8 | Weak Equivalences and Whitehead’s Theorems | <No suggested references> |
9 | Homotopy Long Exact Sequence and Homotopy Fibers | Strøm, Arne. "![]() |
The Homotopy Theory of CW Complexes | ||
10 | Serre Fibrations and Relative Lifting | Stephen A. Mitchell's notes on ![]() |
11 | Connectivity and Approximation |
Bredon, Glen. Topology and Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 139). Springer, 1997. ISBN: 9780387979267. Varadarajan, Kalathoor. The Finiteness Obstruction of C. T. C. Wall. Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts, John Wiley and Sons, 1989. ISBN: 9780471623069. |
12 | Cellular Approximation, Obstruction Theory | <No suggested references> |
13 | Hurewicz, Moore, Eilenberg, Mac Lane, and Whitehead | <No suggested references> |
14 | Representability of Cohomology | Brown, Edgar. "![]() |
15 | Obstruction Theory | James Davis' and Paul Kirk's notes on |
Vector Bundles and Principal Bundles | ||
16 | Vector Bundles | Husemöller, Dale. Fibre Bundles, 3rd edition. Springer, 1993. ISBN: 9780387940878. |
17 | Principal Bundles, Associated Bundles | <No suggested references> |
18 | I-invariance of BunG, and G-CW Complexes |
Stephen A. Mitchell's notes on Principal Bundles and Classifying Spaces. Lück, Wolfgang. "Survey on Classifying Spaces for Families of Subgroups." (2005) 269–322. Illman, Sören. "The Equivariant Triangulation Theorem for Actions of Compact Lie Groups." Mathematische Annalen. 262, no. 4 (1983) 487–501. |
19 | The Classifying Space of a Group | Knapp, Anthony William. Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction. 2nd ed. Birkhäuser, 2002. ISBN: 9780817642594. |
20 | Simplicial Sets and Classifying Spaces |
Milnor, John. " Goerss, Paul and Jardine, John. " |
21 | The Čech Category and Classifying Maps | Segal, Graeme. 1968. "Classifying Spaces and Spectral Sequences." Publications Mathématiques. 27 (34): 105–112. |
Spectral Sequences and Serre Classes | ||
22 | Why Spectral Sequences? | Miller, Haynes. "![]() |
23 | The Spectral Sequence of a Filtered Complex | <No suggested references> |
24 | Serre Spectral Sequence | Serre, Jean-Pierre. "![]() |
25 | Exact Couples | <No suggested references> |
26 | The Gysin Sequence, Edge Homomorphisms, and the Transgression | <No suggested references> |
27 | The Serre Exact Sequence and the Hurewicz Theorem | Spanier, Edwin H. Algebraic Topology. Springer, 1966. ISBN: 9780387944265. (and later reprints) |
28 | Double Complexes and the Dress Spectral Sequence | Dress, A. "Zur Spectralsequenz von Faserungen." Inventiones mathematicae 3 (1967): 172-178. |
29 | Cohomological Spectral Sequences | <No suggested references> |
30 | Serre Classes | <No suggested references> |
31 | Mod C Hurewicz and Whitehead Theorems | <No suggested references> |
32 | Freudenthal, James, and Bousfield |
Miller, Haynes and Douglas Ravenel. " Bousfield, Aldridge Knight. " |
Characteristic Classes, Steenrod Operations, and Cobordism | ||
33 | Chern Classes, Stiefel-Whitney Classes, and the Leray-Hirsch Theorem | <No suggested references> |
34 | H*(BU(n)) and the Splitting Principle | <No suggested references> |
35 | The Thom Class and Whitney Sum Formula | <No suggested references> |
36 | Closing the Chern Circle, and Pontryagin Classes | <No suggested references> |
37 | Steenrod Operations | <No suggested references> |
38 | Cobordism |
Stong, Robert Evert. Notes on Cobordism Theory. Princeton University Press, 2015. ISBN: 9780691622217. (Originally published in 1968) Thom, René. " Atiyah, Michael. " |
39 | Hopf Algebras | Milnor, John. "![]() |
40 | Applications of Cobordism |
Atiyah, Michael. "Bordism and Cobordism." Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 57 (1961) 200–208. Milnor, John. " |