
Many assigned readings are from the course textbook:

Ratner, Buddy D., et al. Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine. 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Academic Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780125824637.

1 Course Introduction

Biomaterials Defined

Structural Hierarchy in Materials and Biology
Whitesides, G. M., and A. P. Wong. "The Intersection of Biology and Materials Science." MRS Bulletin 31 (2006): 19-27.

Ratner: pp. 1-26, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.9, and 2.10.
2 Biomaterials Surfaces: Physics

Surface (vs. Bulk) Structure and Properties

Surface Energy

Adsorption, Segregation, and Reconstruction at Surfaces
Ratner: pp. 40-45, Section 1.5.
3 Biomaterials Surfaces: Chemistry

Reactions at Surfaces: Chemisorption, Corrosion
Jacobs, J. J., J. L. Gilbert, and R. M. Urban. "Corrosion of Metal Orthopaedic Implants." Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 80A (1998): 268-282.

Ratner: Section 6.3.
4 Biomaterials Surfaces: Chemistry (cont.)

Hydrolysis (Dr. Taniguchi)
Ratner: pp. 411-416, Section 2.7.

Ikada, Y., and H. Tsuji. "Biodegradable Polyesters for Medical and Ecological Applications." Macromolecular Rapid Communications 21 (2000): 117-132.
5 Protein-Surface Interactions

Proteins: Structure, Properties, Functions

Protein Adsorption: Langmuir Model
Ratner: pp. 237-246.
6 Protein-Surface Interactions (cont.)
Protein Adsorption: Complex Phenomena, Measurement
7 Cell-Surface Interactions: Host Response to Biomaterials

Cell Adhesion Mechanisms

Coagulation Cascade
Ratner: Section 4.6.
8 Cell-Surface Interactions: Host Response to Biomaterials (cont.)

Immune Response: Alternative Complement Activation
Ratner: Sections 3.4, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4.
9 Surface Modification Methods


Plasma Treatments

Organic Coatings (Dr. Taniguchi)
Ratner: Sections 2.13, 2.14, 2.16, and 7.2.
Quiz 1
10 Surface Modification Methods (cont.)

Polymer Coatings

Patterned Surfaces
11 Surface Characterization

Ratner: pp. 42-57
12 Surface Characterization In situ

Contact Angle, AFM
13 Quantifying Cell Behavior

Cell Cultures

Cellular Assays: Adhesion, Migration, Proliferation
Handouts: Principles of Biochemistry, Receptors: Models for Binding, Trafficking, and Signaling.
14 Quantifying Cell Behavior (cont.)

Cellular Assays: Differentiation, Function
15 Statistical Analysis

Error Sources, Distribution Functions, t- test
Ratner: Section 9.4.

Handout: Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement Theory.
16 Statistical Analysis (cont.)

Fisher Test, Regression Methods
Marazuela, M. D., and M. C. Moreno-Bondi. "Fiber-optic Biosensors - An Overview." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 372 (2002): 664-682.
17 Biosensors and Diagnostic Devices

Biological Elements

Transduction Mechanisms


Examples: Fiber Optic Biosensors, Nanobarcodes
Ratner: Sections 7.17 and 7.18.
Quiz 2
18 Drug Delivery: Controlled Release (Dr. Taniguchi)

Chemically-controlled Devices
19 Drug Delivery: Controlled Release (cont.)

Diffusion-controlled, Membrane-based and Osmotic Devices
Ratner: Section 7.14.

Duncan, Ruth. "The Dawning Era of Polymer Therapeutics." Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2 (2003): 347-360.
20 Drug Delivery: Controlled Release (cont.)

Methods: Transdermal, Colloidal Vehicles

Mechanical Pumps
21 Biomaterials for Organ Replacement

Organ Replacement Therapies

Mechanical Properties

Bone Substitutes
Ratner: pp. 26-32, Sections 2.12 and 7.7.
22 Tissue Engineering

Cell Types

Approaches: In vitro, In vivo, Ex vivo/Cell Encapsulation

Scaffolds: Design and Fabrication
Ratner: Chapter 8.
23 Tissue Engineering (cont.)

Case Examples: Artificial Pancreas, Cartilage, Nerve Regeneration
24 FDA Regulatory Issues and Course Evaluations Ratner: Sections 10.1-10.4.
Final Exam