
The following are the assigned problem sets and solutions. Students are encouraged to read the relevant chapters or sections of the Course Notes prior to attempting the problem sets in order to receive a better understanding of the concepts presented.

For problem set 3, refer to the excerpted steel data (PDF). Courtesy of the Electric Motor Education and Research Foundation. Used with permission.

Please use the following citation when referring to the data:

Sprague, Steve, editor. 2007. Lamination Steels Third Edition, A Compendium of Lamination Steel Alloys Commonly Used in Electric Motors. South Dartmouth, Massachusetts: The Electric Motor Education and Research Foundation. CD-ROM. Non-Oriented Silicon Steels: AK Steel Di-Max M-19, Fully Processed, 0.014 inch (0.36 mm, 29 gauge), MIT OCW Excerpts.

Lamination Steels Third Edition is © 2007 by the Electric Motor Education and Research Foundation. Information about the complete CD-ROM can be obtained from:

The Electric Motor Education and Research Foundation, Post Office Box P182, South Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02748 USA tel: 508.979.5935 fax: 508.979.5845 email: [email protected]